FFFFFFF RRRRRR EEEEEEE EEEEEEE LL AAA NN NN CCCCC IIIII NN NN FF RR RR EE EE LL AAAAA NNN NN CC C III NNN NN FFFF RRRRRR EEEEE EEEEE LL AA AA NN N NN CC III NN N NN FF RR RR EE EE LL AAAAAAA NN NNN CC C III NN NNN FF RR RR EEEEEEE EEEEEEE LLLLLLL AA AA NN NN CCCCC IIIII NN NN R O U N D T A B L E e m u l a t o r ~~~ For Information or Access visit http://www.rt2.us Password -----> Handle ------> (3-29 chars.): CEs For help/information, type /info at the prompt A) CEs LogON 11/29-20:03 CEs) /h Lurking) Ces Lurking) You cannot send messages while lurking Lurking) /h Ces Ces) /r LogOFF 10/28-20:17 A) Ces LogON 10/29-19:22 A) Ces No! A new low! The scroll is a WEEK old!! A) Ces doh!! A) Ces LogOFF 10/29-19:28 A) Ces LogON 11/03-20:41 A) Ces not good. A) Ces Maybe it's time to start thinking about the RT emulator emulator. A) Ces In another 20 years, it'll be tough to find a Telnet client, so the RT2 emulator emulator will have to be designed to work around that. A) Ces Better be sure to mothball the rt2 server so it can be fired up in thefuture. Then maybe we won't need an emulator.. just the right client side software. A) Ces WIndows 2020 running an emulator runing Windows 2010 which can runing Java which can run a Telnet client. A) Ces Just a thought. A) Ces ~~```~~<> A) Ces LogOFF 11/03-20:46 A) CEs LogON 11/04-18:44 A) CEs ...<1!<> A) CEs LogOFF 11/04-18:44 A) Ces LogON 11/05-21:14 A) Ces VH's Summer Nights always takes me back to the original RT.... A) Ces ..<> A) Ces LogOFF 11/05-21:32 A) Ces LogON 11/08-20:52 A) Ces ~~`..<<> A) Ces LogOFF 11/08-20:53 A) captainkirk LogON 11/08-22:10 A) captainkirk hi everybody A) captainkirk LogOFF 11/08-22:11 B) Poltergeist boo!<> B) Poltergeist LogOFF 11/08-23:12 A) Greg Scrool's like 3 weeks old, now A) Greg <> A) Greg LogOFF 11/12-20:13 A) The Phantom LogON 11/13- 3:51 A) The Phantom http://vuzradio.citx.com =) <> A) The Phantom LogOFF 11/13- 3:51 A) Ces LogON 11/17-19:49 A) Ces Vuzradio is down. Not sure what it is though. A) Ces <<< >>> <<< >>> <<< >>> .. <> A) Ces LogOFF 11/17-19:57 A) Ces LogON 11/19-20:06 A) Ces ..<> A) Ces LogOFF 11/19-20:24 A) hari LogON 11/20- 1:37 A) hari LogOFF 11/20- 1:37 A) davy LogON 11/21- 4:52 A) davy LogOFF 11/21- 4:52 A) Ces LogON 11/21-19:19 A) Ces (repetitive cricket noises in background) A) Ces ~~``RQW.. ~~~NO CARRIER A) Ces heh A) Ces <> A) Ces LogOFF 11/21-19:28 A) Cricket A) CEs LogON 11/29-20:03 Ces) wow. slow week. A) Ces wow. slow week. Ces) The scrool is now officially a month old. A) Ces The scrool is now officially a month old. Ces)